By Rochelle Brenner

We were honored to be voted as the “Best Martial Arts Class” in this year’s Philadelphia Family LOVE awards!
In the e-mail congratulating us for the win, a manager at Philly Family wrote, “We received many heartfelt testimonials from your clients/patrons and are grateful for everything you do for families in our community, especially during these tough times.”
Thank you to everyone who voted for us and encouraged us, especially as we battled hard to keep going on Zoom, outdoors, socially distanced and masked. We’ve now spent 25 percent of time we were open during a pandemic – it’s been so long we know the students sticking it out are the warriors who will make it to Black Belt.
The full Our Best for Families Guides will be published on April 13, so check out that release for other beloved businesses, including a couple of other Mt. Airy favorites.