We set a challenge. We met a challenge. As part of our partnership with the Action Scholarship Fund, students got pledges and kicked as many times as they could in 10 minutes. It was grueling. Ten minutes is a very long time to try to keep up non-stop speed kicks. One of the coolest results is that some people did it more than once, setting new personal records each time.
The total raised was over $20,000. As of this week May 2022, the first scholarship was awarded to a martial arts student with muscular dystrophy. This charity will make it possible for people to become black belts and realize new dreams.
We followed up that event with a one-minute challenge at the last tournament for prizes. The record is 161 kicks. That raised another $500.
The goal of these events is to raise money, but also to give our students the challenge to set new standards of their ability.
You can also contribute year-round by setting up the Action Scholarship Fund as your charity of choice on Amazon Smiles. Less than one percent of every purchase will go to the fund (rather than to Amazon), and that really adds up year to year if enough people do it. There’s no fee and no one will see your purchases. With your help, over the next few months and years we will start to see and hear success stories of martial arts reaching people and places that wasn’t possible before.