By Rochelle Brenner
Ahmod’s mom wants to live long enough to see her son get his Black Belt.
But first she has to battle her own enemy.
Tina Marie Money has liver disease. She needs a transplant, but she is low on the donor list.
So each day she fights. And lives for being there for her husband and 8-year-old, who is unwavering in his commitment to her and to martial arts.
Ahmod has been at Action Karate for 3 years. During the pandemic shutdown, his instructor met him on his front steps to practice his moves. His mom was in and out of the hospital and undergoing treatment all along. She watched him practice from the foyer, connected to her medical IV bag.
When Ahmod’s mom and dad couldn’t get him to scheduled classes, he took on-demand classes and sent videos to “I’m very proud of Ahmod. He is such a busy little boy. He’s going to keep on pushing.
We’re pushing him and he pushes me,” she said. his instructors to make sure he was progressing in learning his curriculum.
At the last graduation, Ahmod earned his blue belt.
“He’s dedicated and committed at home. You dont know. He’s always flipping and kicking, like he’s always in karate class,” said Ahmod’s dad.
Ahmod is also a doting son. He tried to donate his liver. He asked Santa for a liver for his mom. He quietly dotes on her and she has seen him grow as a confident young man.
“Discipline. And self control. It teaches him respect as well.
He’s the reason I'm fighting so hard, to be alive for him.
“It would be great if more people became organ donors. That’s my struggle. I need someone to help me by donating part of their liver,” she said.
Her family recently suffered a series of setbacks: Her brother wasn’t a match. And her employer let her go after 20 years because she was so sick.
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